July 2019

Right now, we’ll fish early and be looking for rolling tarpon. We’ll load out of Punta Gorda and spend our time in the deeper holes, around the bridges, and canal mouths of the upper harbor. The mouth of the Peace River also provides an excellent...

August 2019

Most likely, we’ll continue hunting tarpon this month. It’s hot and subsequently it’ll limit the time we have on the water. Fishing early is key while it’s both calm and cooler. The upper harbor is the place to be and we’ll load out of...

September 2019

About this time of year, it’s not unusual to find yourself fishing some typical summer patterns while also looking at some new opportunities. For all practical purposes, even though we feel like fall is on the way; it’s still summer. Just like last month, tarpon are...

October 2019

Year in and year out, this is one of the better months to be on the water. Being fall, numerous species are in full transition. In addition, water temperatures are cooling a bit and the wind should still be moderate. To begin with, as they’re preparing for the spawn,...

November 2019

Things are about to change and this month marks that beginning. We’re about to enter what could be considered a winter pattern on the flats in and around the harbor. Intermittent northerly fronts combined with lower morning tides combine to bring this change. In...

December 2019

At this point, the beginning of winter, I find myself looking for windows of opportunity. By that, I mean waiting between fronts for calmer days where both the run and fishing are tolerable. And, even though the days are short, its nice not having to get out at the...