December from the bench

As we sat down at the fly tying bench for this month, December. We’re in our winter pattern and its really cooled off. We’re working deep into the backcountry with our favorite gamefish as salinity levels drop there and to get out of the wind. In addition, a preferred...

December outlook

For the most part, this can be a good month to have a good wind App. I like Windfinder as it’s accurate and free. It’s a good way to keep an eye out for opportunities, chamber of commerce type days, that do come along between the fronts that are so prevalent this time...
December 2021

December 2021

For the most part, this can be a good month to have a good wind App. I like Windfinder as it’s accurate and free. It’s a good way to keep an eye out for opportunities, chamber of commerce type days, that do come along between the fronts that are so prevalent this time...
Sightfishing redfish

Sightfishing redfish

We’ve been working between fronts and even though the days have warmed up the water temperatures are only in the mid 60’s. We’re seeing quite a few redfish around the mangroves. Fortunately, even on the higher tide stages many fish are still staying...